The reason the world is suffering... is because of YOU. That’s how powerful you are. Your energy, your choices, your alignment—it all matters. Are you doing what truly makes you happy? Genuinely? Or are you chasing a green piece of paper that has no finish line? Have you ever noticed it doesn’t say anywhere in the fine print, Congratulations! You’ve made it! If money were the key to happiness, we’d all be free by now. But it’s not about the money.
The secret? Your happiness. Because only then does the magic happen.
The Real Roadblock: Fear
What’s holding you back from unimaginable happiness? Take a moment. Use the muscle in your brain that has been neglected for too long—imagination. If money weren’t an issue, where would you go? What would you do? Who would you take with you? All of this is possible. Forget logic for just a moment. Open your mind. Keep exercising that muscle. The green paper is just an illusion.
So many people say, I hate my job, but I can’t just quit. How will I eat? But here’s the truth: When you align with your true, authentic self, the universe provides. The money, the opportunities, the resources—they start flowing to you instead of you constantly chasing them.
Were We Meant to Keep Moving?
Ever notice how your body hurts when you’re stagnant? Maybe we weren’t meant to sit in one place for decades, tied to one house, one job, one way of living. Maybe we were meant to experience everything—to travel, to grow, to evolve. Yet, we blame a green piece of paper for keeping us stuck. But what if it’s not the money at all? What if it’s our own conditioned belief that we have to suffer to survive?
What if true freedom comes when you stop resisting yourself? When you stop trying to fit into the box you were handed and start creating your own reality?
The Magic Key: Alignment
Aligning yourself with yourself is the key. You can’t exude love, positivity, and joy if you’re miserable. And the world needs you to be happy. Imagine if happiness and authenticity were the new currency. What if abundance followed your alignment, not your struggle? It’s time to stop playing the victim, stop carrying shame and guilt like chains, and own your power.
You haven’t made mistakes—you’ve only learned and grown. Your past? It wasn’t punishment. It was preparation. Every single experience was necessary for you to wake up to your own power. If your past haunts you, it’s because you keep listening to the voice that tells you to feel bad. Break the cycle. Rewrite your story. You hold the pen.
The Distraction of Division
Look around. What do you see? War. Politics. Religion. Race. Division. Why do you think that is? Could it be that it was designed to keep us separate? Because when people are divided, they are weak. When people are distracted, they don’t question. And when people are afraid, they don’t awaken.
The news? It’s not designed to inform you. It’s designed to control you. Keep you worried. Keep you powerless. Keep you believing that you need to be saved instead of realizing you’ve been powerful all along.
The Real “Return”
Many people believe Jesus is coming back. But what if the real return isn’t about a physical being descending from the clouds? What if it’s about a collective awakening? A realization that we were never meant to be powerless, waiting for salvation? What if the true second coming is an internal one—the return to ourselves?
The truth is, we don’t have to wait. Heaven isn’t a faraway place—it’s a state of being. And you create it the moment you step into your truth, your love, your power.
So, stop waiting. Start being.
Because when you do, you don’t just free yourself. You light the way for others to do the same.